Raising chickens in your back yard 9/10

Raising chickens in your backyard can be a rewarding experience. Most people consider raising chickens for their eggs. However, there are plenty of other reasons for raising the birds.

Chickens provide a natural barrier be humans and insect pests. Because the natural body temperature is slightly higher in a chicken than in a human, biting or stinging insects such as mosquitoes tend to hover about them, well within reach of the beak of a hen. They will eats any and all insects that stray within their reach. If allowed to be free-ranging chickens they will keep your yard and you home free from insects.

Chickens are also natural scavengers and will keep the yard clean of organic or eatable substances. They fertilize and facilitate the breathing of lawns. If kept watered a lawn can have a polished, well kept look, with chickens on it.

Finally the is the uses of chicken. Their eggs taste great on Sunday morning and their meat taste great as Sunday dinner.